Articole ISI/WOS


  • Alina Botezat, Cristian Incălțărău, Peter Nijkamp. „Nurse migration: Long-run determinants and dynamics of flows in response to health and economic shocks”, World Development, 2024, 174, WOS:001101219100001, DOI/link:
  • Alina Haller, „Sustainability in Tourism: Impact of Attractiveness Factors in the World’s Most Visited Destinations”, The Journal of Environment & Development, 33(2): 196-216, 2024, ISSN: 1070-4965, e-ISSN: 1552-5465, WOS:001125803300001, DOI/link:
  • Jeroen J. A. Spijker, Hande Barlın, Diana Alecsandra Grad, Yang Gu, Aija Klavina,  Nilufer Korkmaz Yaylagul, Gunilla Kulla, Eda Orhun, Anna Ševčíková, Brigid Unim,  Cristina Maria Tofan, „The Impact of Digital Technology on the Physical Health of Older Workers: Protocol for a Scoping Review”. JMIR Research Protocols, 2024, vol. 13, 2024, DOI: 10.2196/59900, WOS:001326838900004, link:
  • Cristina Maria Tofan, Aurora Hrițuleac, Liviu-Adrian Măgurianu, „Creating a Welcoming Ethos: Reception of Ukrainian Refugee Children and Families in Romania”, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 1–16, 2024, WOS:001289326200001, DOI/link:
  • Iustina Alexandra Groza, Ciprian Ceobanu, Cristina Maria Tofan, „Motivational persistence and academic procrastination: the moderating role of behavioural deactivation for Romanian female students”, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 2024, WOS:001206155600001, DOI/link:
  • Mihael Nedeljko, Yang Gu & Cristina Maria Bostan, „The dual impact of technological tools on health and technostress among older workers: an integrative literature review”, Cognitive Technology & Work, 26, 2024, pp. 47–61, WOS:001080572200001, link/DOI:
  • Mihaela Rădoi, Alexandru Cosmin Apostol, Gabriela Irimescu, Cristina Maria Tofan, „Pandemic Emotional Impact on Academic and Professional Worries while Controlling for Satisfaction with Life and Perceived Social Support”, Revista Românească pentru Educație Multidimensională, 16(1), 2024, pp. 554-574, WOS:001208400100001, DOI/link:
  • Cristina Maria Tofan, „The Impact of Ideal and Real Discrepancies of Family Functionality Perception over the Quality of Life in a Minority Population”, Canadian Journal of Family and Youth, 16(2), 2024, pp. 20-39, ISSN 1718-9748, WOS:001155872800009, DOI:, link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Marioara Rusu, Mihai Alexandru Chițea, Diana-Elena Creangă, „Patterns of Organic Crops in Arable Land in the European Union – Analysis Based on the Cluster Method”, Romanian Agricultural Research, 41, 2024, WOS: 001318731900001, DOI/link:
  • Mihai Alexandru Chițea, Marioara Rusu, Lorena Florentina Chițea, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, „A Participatory Vision Regarding the Organic and Conventional Farming – Case Study, North-East Development Region”, Romanian Agricultural Research, nr. 41/2024, WOS: 001163094200019, DOI/link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Cristina Cautisanu, Lucian Tanasă, Simona-Roxana Ulman, Meda Gâlea, Alexandra Raluca Jelea, „Does the payment method matter in online shopping behaviour? Study on the Romanian market of vegetables during the pandemic crisis”, Agricultural Economics, 70(1), 2024, pp. 34-47, WOS:001155323900004, DOI/link:
  • Alina Botezat, Cristian Incălțărău, Sabina Ana Diac, Alexandra Claudia Grosu. „Having your career path decided too early: the effects of high school track on education-occupation mismatch”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2024, pp. 1171-1190, WOS:001156850600001, link/DOI:
  • Mărioara Rusu, Mihai Chitea, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, „Variances Between Contract and Non-Contract Farms in the Use of Sustainable Farming Practices: Case Study”, Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2024,  WOS:001264962000088, link



  • Heidi Vandebosch, Alina Botezat, A. L. Amodeo, S. Pabian, P. Plichta, Z. Puharić, J. Pyżalski, „A scoping review of technological interventions to address ethnicity-related peer aggression”, Aggression and Violent Behavior, 2022, 67, WOS:000877681600001, DOI/link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Simona Roxana Ulman, Lucian Tanasă, Cristina Căutișanu, „Implications of COVID-19 pandemic on sustainable consumption patterns. Evidence from Iasi County, Romania”, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, 2022, DOI:, WOS:000898364200001, link:
  • Alina Petronela Haller, „Influence of Agricultural Chains on the Carbon Footprint in the Context of European Green Pact and Crises”, Agriculture-Basel, 12, 6, 2022, pp. 1-19, DOI:, WOS:000818461700001, link:
  • Oana-Ramona Socoliuc (Guriță), Nicoleta Sîrghi, Dănuț-Vasile Jemna, Mihaela David, „Corruption and population health in the European Union countries – An institutionalist perspective”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5110, 2022, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19095110, WOS:000799250500001, link:
  • Ioana Guţu, Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei, Ionel Ciprian Alecu, „The online adapted transformational leadership and workforce innovation within the software development industry”, Sustainability, 14(12): 7408, 2022, DOI:, WOS:000816767200001, link:
  • Dănuț-Vasile Jemna, Mihaela David, Marc-Hubert Depret, Lydie Ancelot, „Physical activity and healthcare utilization in France: evidence from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) 2014”, BMC Public Health, 22, 2022, 1355, DOI: 10.1186/s12889, link:
  • Andy Felix Jităreanu, Mioara Mihăilă, Ionel-Ciprian Alecu, Alexandru-Dragoș Robu, Gabriela Ignat, Carmen Luiza Costuleanu, „The relationship between environmental factors, satisfaction with life, and ecological education: an impact analysis from a sustainability pillars perspective”, Sustainability, 14, 17: 10679, 2022, DOI:, WOS:000852014000001, link:
  • Lucian Tanasă, Simona Roxana Ulman, Cristina Cautisanu, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Daniel Juravle, „Vegetables Consumers’ Profile in the Context of Digitalization: Evidence from Romania”, Amfiteatru Economic, vol. 24, nr. 59, pp. 128-142, 2022, DOI: 10.24818/EA/2022/59/128, WOS:000746992700009, link:
  • Simona-Roxana Ulman, Costică Mihai, Cristina Căutișanu, Ioan-Sebastian Brumă, Oana Coca, Gavril Ștefan, „Environmental Wellbeing in the Context of Sustainable Development: Evidence from Post-Communist Economies”, Frontiers in Environmental Science, Sec. Environmental Economics and Management, 2022, DOI:, WOS:000877270200001, link:
  • Cristina Maria Bostan, Alexandru Cosmin Apostol, Răzvan-Lucian Andronic, Tudor Stanciu, Ticu Constantin, „Type of goals and perceived control for goal achievement over time. The mediating role of motivational persistence”, Acta Psychologica, Vol. 231, 2022, 103776, DOI:, WOS:000886098200004, link:
  • Vili Dragomir, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Alina Butu, Lucian Tanasă, Victor Petcu, Daniela Horhocea, „An Overview of Global Maize Market Compared to Romanian Production”, Romanian Agricultural Research, vol. 39, 2022, pp. 535-544, WOS:000797195000039, link:
  • Cristina Bianca Pocol, Peter Šedík, Alexandra-Ioana Glogovețan, Ioan-Sebastian Brumă, „Traceability Issues of Honey from the Consumers’ Perspective in Romania”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 2022, DOI:, WOS:000900382000002, link:
  • Katalin Tiron, Alois Gherguț, Adrian Marian Roșan, Cristina Maria Bostan, „Word Reading Accuracy as a Mediator for Fluency”, Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1), 2022, 370-387, DOI:, WOS: 000768407900021, link:


  • Alina Petronela Haller, ,,The contraction of European economic distances through sustainable tourism in the pre-pandemic period”, Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, 24, 2, 2021, pp. 105-134, DOI:, WOS: 000745292700006, link:
  • Bina Agarwal, Krisztina Melinda Dobay, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, „Revisiting group farming in a post-socialist economy: The case of Romania”, Journal of Rural Studies, 81, 2021, pp. 148-158, DOI:, WOS: 000610087800015, link:
  • Miranda P.M. Meuwissen, Peter H. Feindt, Alisa Spiegel, Robert Finger, Thomas Slijper, Yann de Mey, Wim Paas, Katrien J.A.M. Termeer, Marijn P. Poortvliet, Mariya Peneva, Julie Urquhart, Mauro Vigani, Jasmine E. Black, Phillipa Nicholas-Davies, Damian Maye, Franziska Appel, Florian Heinrich, Alfons Balmann, Jo Bijtebier, Isabeau Coopmans, Erwin Wauters, Erik Mathijs, Helena Hansson, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist, Jens Rommel, Gordana Manevska-Tasevska, Francesco Accatino, Christele Pineau, Barbara Soriano, Isabel Bardaji, Simone Severini, Saverio Senni, Cinzia Zinnanti, Camelia Gavrilescu, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Krisztina-Melinda Dobay, Daniela Matei, Lucian Tanasă, Dan-Marius Voicilas, Katarzyna Zawalińska, Piotr Gradziuk, Vitali Krupin, Anna Martikainen, Hugo Herrera, Pytrik Reidsma, „Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking”, Agricultural Systems, 191, 2021, 103152, DOI:, WOS: 000659318000005, link:
  • Cristina Bianca Pocol, Peter Šedík, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Amuza Antonio, Aurica Chirsanova, „Organic beekeeping practices in Romania: status and perspectives towards a sustainable development”, Agriculture, 11, 4, 2021, 281, DOI:, WOS: 000642611400001, link:
  • Gina Ionela Butnaru, Alina Haller, Larisa Loredana Dragolea, Alexandru Anichiți, Georgia Daniela Tacu Hârșan, „Students’ Wellbeing during Transition from Onsite to Online Education: Are There Risks Arising from Social Isolation?”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 2021, pp. 1-23, DOI:, WOS: 000699704900001, link:
  • Simona-Roxana Ulman, Costica Mihai, Cristina Căutișanu, Ioan-Sebastian Brumă, Oana Coca, Gavril Ștefan, „Environmental Performance in EU Countries from the Perspective of Its Relation to Human and Economic Wellbeing”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, no. 23: 12733, 2021, WOS: 000735037100001, DOI/link:
  • Cristina Maria Bostan, Tudor Stanciu, Răzvan Lucian Andronic, „The moderating role of being valued by teachers over the association between school children motivation and need for competition”, SAGE Open, 11, 3, 2021, pp. 1-9, WOS: 000708846700001, DOI/link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Codrin Dinu-Vasiliu, Steliana Rodino, Marian Butu, Lucian Tanasă, Sebastian Doboș, Oana Coca, Gavril Ștefan, „The behavior of dairy consumers in short food supply chains during COVID-19 pandemic in Suceava Area, Romania”, Sustainability, 13, 6: 3072, 2021, DOI:, WOS: 000645691000001, link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Simona-Roxana Ulman, Cristina Căutișanu, Lucian Tanasă, Gabriel Vasile Hoha, „Sustainability in the case of small vegetable farmers: a matrix approach”, Sustainability, 13, 18: 10320, 2021, DOI:, WOS: 000701559800001, link:
  • Ionel-Ciprian Alecu, Daniel Lepadatu, Dorina Isopescu, Iulian Cucos, Maria-Oana Agavriloaie, Ion Antonescu, „Helix spin economy and plasma waste recovery in construction and building materials industry”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 20, 4, 2021, pp. 559-568, link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Steliana Rodino, Victor Petcu, Marius Mihai Micu, „An overview of organic sunflower production in Romania”, Romanian Agricultural Research, 38, 2021, pp. 495-504, WOS: 000681706500050, link:
  • Daniel Lepadatu, Dorina Isopescu, Loredana Judele, Iulian Cucos, Ion Antonescu, Ionel-Ciprian Alecu, „Particularities of synthetic wood – a biomaterial with recycled waste”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 20, 4, 2021, pp. 585-592, link:
  • Alexandru Anichiti, Larisa-Loredana Dragolea, Georgia-Daniela Tacu-Hârșan, Alina-Petronela Haller, Gina Ionela Butnaru, „Aspects regarding safety and security in hotels: Romanian experience”, Information, 12, 44, 2021, pp. 1-22, DOI: 10.3390/info12010044, WOS:000610269300001, link:
  • Ioan Sebastian Brumă, „Financing of organic agriculture in the North-East development region of Romania. A territorial profile analysis”, Scientific Papers-Series Management Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21, 1, 2021, pp. 99-104, WOS:000629699800012, link:
  • Alina Haller, Georgia Daniela Tacu Hârșan, „Romanian Agricultural Market: The Relationship Between Economic Growth, Organic Production and the Labour Market”, Scientific Papers. Series A. Agronomy, LXIV, 2, 2021, pp. 390-399, WOS: 000755946400057, link:
  • Mărioara Rusu, Elisabeta Roșu, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Violeta Florian, Mihai Chițea, „Organic farming versus conventional farming: case study, Dornelor Basin, Suceava County, Romania”, Scientific Papers-Series Management Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 21, 1, 2021, pp. 687-692, WOS: 000629699800077, link:
  • Dan Gabriel Sîmbotin, „The E-truth. Changes in the perception of truth under the impact of cyberspace”, Brain, 12, 2, 2021, pp. 247-253, link:
  • Lucian Tanasă, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Simona Roxana Ulman, Gabriel Vasile Hoha, „Theoretical Approach with Regard to the Main Benefits of Short Supply Chains. Focus on Small Producers and Local Communities”, Scientific Papers-Series Management Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, vol. 22, issue 3, 2021, pp. 743-752, WOS:000886426500081, link:
  • Katalin Tiron, Alois Gherguț, Cristina Maria Bostan, „General Visual Ability as a Moderator in the Relationship RAN–Fluency in a Regular Orthography”, Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(4), 2021, 224-238, DOI:, WOS:000768418500014, link:


  • Alina Botezat, Raul Ramos, „Physicians’ brain drain – a gravity model of migration flows”, Globalization and Health, 16(7), 2020, WOS: 000513550900001, DOI/link:
  • Alina Butu, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Lucian Tanasă, Steliana Rodino, Codrin Dinu-Vasiliu, Sebastian Doboș, Marian Butu, „The impact of COVID-19 crisis upon the consumer buying behavior of fresh vegetables directly from local producers. case study: The quarantined area of Suceava county, Romania”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 15, 5485, 2020, DOI:, WOS: 000567092900001, link:
  • Alina Botezat, Mihaela David, Cristian Încălţărău, Peter Nijkamp, „The illusion of urbanization: impact of administrative reform on communities’ resilience”, International Regional Science Review, 2020, DOI:, WOS: 000577555900001, link:
  • Rodica Cristina Butnaru, Alexandru Anichiti, Gina Ionela Butnaru, Alina-Petronela Haller, „Heavy work investment from the perspective of cultural factors and outcomes by types of investors”, Amfiteatru Economic, 22, 14, 2020, pp. 1159-1181, DOI: 10.24818/EA/2020/S14/1159, WOS: 000582434500011, link:
  • Ana Iolanda Vodă, Alina-Petronela Haller, Alexandru Anichiți, Gina Ionela Butnaru, „Testing entrepreneurial intention determinants in post-Transition economies”, Sustainability, 12, 24: 10370, 2020, DOI: 10.3390/su122410370, WOS: 000603309400001, link:
  • Alina-Petronela Haller, Ovidiu Gherasim, Mariana Bălan, Carmen Uzlău, „Medium-term forecast of European economic sustainable growth using Markov Chains”, Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta U Rijeci-Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics, 38, 2, 2020, pp. 585-618, DOI: 10.18045/zbefri.2020.2.585, WOS: 000604970700011, link:
  • Alina-Petronela Haller, Gina-Ionela Butnaru, Georgia-Daniela Tacu Hârșan, Mirela Ştefănică, „The relationship between tourism and economic growth in the EU-28. Is there a tendency towards convergence?”, Economic Research – Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2020.1819852, WOS: 000573685500001, link:
  • Simona-Roxana Ulman, Krisztina Melinda Dobay, „Environmental protection in Romania – perceptions versus active participation”, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19, 2, 2020, pp. 183-194, WOS: 000531733600001, link:
  • Gina Ionela Butnaru, Alina-Petronela Haller, Raluca Irina Clipa, Mirela Ștefănică, Mihaela Ifrim, „The nexus between convergence of conventional and renewable energy consumption in the present European Union states. Explorative study on parametric and semi-parametric methods”, Energies, 13, 20, 2020, 5272, DOI: 10.3390/en13205272, WOS: 000586262100001, link:
  • Alina Botezat, Andreea Moraru, „Brain drain from Romania: what do we know so far about the Romanian medical diaspora?”, Eastern Journal of European Studies, 11, 1, 2020, pp. 309-334, WOS: 000546149100015, link:
  • Violeta Florian, Marioara Rusu, Elisabeta Roşu, Mihai Chitea, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Cristina Bianca Pocol, „Behavioural factors and ecological farming. Cases studies”, Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, 20, 2, 2020, pp. 227-232, WOS: 000545124400029, link:
  • Dan Gabriel Sîmbotin, „Self-imagined Inertia and the construction of consciousness cleavages”, Brain Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 11, 1.1, 2020, pp. 57-69, DOI:, WOS:000526944800006, link:
  • Dan Gabriel Sîmbotin, „Migration: Concept Boundaries and Archetypal Images”/„Migrația: delimitare conceptuală și imagini arhetipale”, Philologica Jassyensia, XVI, 2(32), 2020, pp. 305-315, link:


  • Alina Botezat, Friedhelm Pfeiffer, „The Impact of Parental Labor Migration on Left-Behind Children’s Educational and Psychosocial Outcomes. Evidence from Romania”, Population, Space and Place, 26(2), 2019, WOS: 000496987800001, DOI/link:
  • Viorel Chiriță, Daniela Matei, „Vulnerability and resilience of the mining communities. The case of Bukovina region, Romania”, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 10, 2, 2019, pp. 157-166, DOI:, link:
  • Alina Butu, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Steliana Rodino, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Lucian Tanasă, Marian Butu, „The Anthropological Analysis of the Key Determinants on the Purchase Decision Taken by the Romanian Consumers Regarding the Ecological Agroalimentary Products”, Sustainability, 11(18), 4897, 2019, DOI:, WOS: 000489104700083, link:
  • Alina Butu, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Steliana Rodino, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Lucian Tanasă, Marian Butu, „The process of ethnocentralizing the concept of ecological agroalimentary product for the Romanian urban consumer”, Sustainability, 11(22), 6226, 2019, DOI:, WOS: 000503277900039, link:
  • Ionuț Bârliba, „Moral Vision, Outrage and the Contextual Understanding of Values in the World of Tennis”, META Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy, XI, 2, 2019, pp. 756-781, WOS:000502962600019, link:



  • Alina Botezat, „Austerity Plan Announcements and the Impact on the Employees’ Wellbeing”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 2017, 63, pp 1-16. DOI:10.1016/j.joep.2017.09.002, WOS:000418220500001.
  • Catalina Lionte, Victorita Sorodoc, Elisabeta Jaba, Alina Botezat, „Development and Validation of a Risk-Prediction Nomogram for In-Hospital Mortality in Adults Poisoned with Drugs and Non-Pharmaceutical Agents: An Observational Study”, Medicine, 2017, 96: e6404. DOI:10.1097/MD.0000000000006404, WOS:000397619800041.
  • Gina Ionela Butnaru,  Alina-Petronela Haller, „Perspective of Sustainable Rural Tourism in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK): Comparative Study of b and s Convergence in the Economic Development Regions”, Sustainability. Volume 9, Article Number 525, 2017, pp. 1-22, DOI: 10.3390/su9040525, WoS: 000402090300048
  • Dan Bodescu, Gavril Ștefan, Oana Coca, Ioan Sebastian Brumă, Radu Lucian Pânzaru, Radu-Adrian Moraru,The Short-Term Impact of the European Structural Funds on the Tourism Services in the Romanian Rural Area”, Proceedings of the 30thInternational Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA),  Sustenable Economic Development, Innovation Management and Global Growth, 8-9 November 2017, Madrid, Spain, WOS:000443640503098, link:
  • Dan Bodescu, Gavril Ștefan, Radu-Adrian Moraru, Oana Coca, Ioan Sebastian Brumă and Marius Gheorghe Doliș, Input–Output Energy Analysis of Honey Production in Iaşi County, Romania”, Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA),  Sustenable Economic Development, Innovation Management and Global Growth, 8-9 November 2017, Madrid, Spain, WOS:000443640503097, link:



  • Lavinia-Andreea Bejan, „The Qualification as a Crime Against Humanity of the Armenian Genocide and the Issue of Responsibility”, 5th International Conference LUMEN 2014, Transdisciplinarity and Communicative Action(LUMEN-TCA 2014), Medimond, Bologna, Italia, 2015, pp. 55-59, WOS:000360478000012, link:
  • Lavinia-Andreea Bejan, „The Conclusions of the Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties Regarding the Violations of the Laws and Customs of War”, 5th International Conference LUMEN 2014, Transdisciplinarity and Communicative Action (LUMEN -TCA 2014), Medimond, Bologna, Italia, 2015, pp. 61-65, WOS:000360478000013, link:
  • Lavinia-Andreea Bejan, „Legal and Political Issues Concerning the Punishment of War Criminals in the Years of the First World War”, Rethinking Social Action. Core Values, Medimond, Bologna, Italia, 2015, pp. 149-153, WOS:000378560300025, link:
  • Lavinia-Andreea Bejan, „The Judgements of the Reichsgericht in the Leipzig War Crimes Trials. Case studies: Neumann/Dithmar and Boldt”, Rethinking Social Action. Core Values, Medimond, Bologna, Italia, 2015, pp. 155-160, WOS:000378560300026, link:


  • Alina Botezat, Livia Baciu, „A Comparative Analysis of the Public Spending Efficiency of the New EU Member States: A DEA Approach”, Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade, 2014, 50, pp 31-36. DOI:10.2753/REE1540-496X5004S402, WOS:000349848600003.
  • Krisztina Melinda Dobay, „Development of Local Communities in the Eastern Rural Peripheral Rural Areas of Botoşani County”, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 3:89-94, 2014, WOS:000409783000013, link:
  • Daniela Matei, Krisztina Melinda Dobay „Spatial Determinations in Rural Functional Typologies Differentiations of the Western Part of Botoșani County”, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 3:15-20, 2014, WOS:000409783000004, link:


  • Alina Botezat, Ruben Seiberlich, „Educational Performance Gaps in Eastern Europe”, Economics of Transition, 2013, 21, pp 731-756. DOI:10.1111/ecot.12027, WOS:000325002800005.