TARS 2022
Ediția a XXIV-a, 27 mai 2022
Prezentare eveniment
The TARS Conference was born out of the need of Romanian researchers to assess and promote the economic scientific research portfolio on tourism, to argue and substantiate its Romanian development strategies, and to provide European and international best practices.
The first edition of TARS, originally entitled Turismul rural românesc (Romanian Rural Tourism), took place in 1999. The founder of the conference was „Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research.
The 2022 Edition will explore some of the main concerns of both theorists and practitioners on the following topics: rural tourism, agritourism, ecotourism; tourism in the context of sustainable development at national, regional, and global level; traditionalism vs modernism in tourism; national and regional strategies for rural tourism development; tourism management and marketing; e-tourism; etc.
The TARS Conference traditionally approaches the tourism phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective: economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology, ethnography, folklore, law, etc.
- Abstract submission: 25 February
- Notification of abstract acceptance: 28 February
- Submission of full paper due for review: 31 March
- Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes): 30 April
- Final paper due (with any changes): 30 April
- Presenting author registration: 10 May
- The best articles in English will be published in the Journal of Tourism and Rural Space – JTARS.
- The articles not selected for the JTARS and the articles in Romanian will be published in the conference volume, Romanian Rural Tourism in International Context: Present and Prospects, with ISBN.
- No participation fee.
- No publication fee for the articles presented online at the conference.
- The articles not presented at the conference shall not be published.
- The articles will be published in either English or Romanian.
- The articles in Romanian will be included in the conference volume, Romanian Rural Tourism in International Context: Present and Prospects, with ISBN.
- The abstracts (max. 250 words), manuscripts and PPTs will be submitted through Submission form or sent to either of the following e-mail addresses:
- tourismconference.ro@yahoo.com
- geo_tacu@yahoo.com
Venue & Accommodation
- Usually, the conference takes place at the Centre of Mountain Economy – CE-MONT in Vatra Dornei.
- For the onsite editions, the Centre of Training and Innovation for Development in the Carpathians – CEFIDEC can provide free accommodation for up to 50 people (in the order of requests).
- On request, payable rooms can be booked at several guesthouses not far from CE-MONT.
- Because of the pandemic, TARS 2022 will take place ONLINE.
Dată eveniment
Instituții organizatoare
- ”Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research Iași, Romanian Academy – Iași Branch
- National Agency for Mountain Areas – ANZM Vatra Dornei, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Centre of Mountain Economy – CE-MONT Vatra Dornei, „Costin C. Kirițescu” National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy
Comitet organizatoric
- Cercet. șt. drd. Georgia-Daniela Tacu Hârșan, ARFI – ICES „Gh. Zane”
- Cercet. șt. II dr. Alina Haller, ARFI – ICES „Gh. Zane”
- Ing. dr., Dănuț Ungureanu, director, Centrul de Formare şi Inovaţie pentru Dezvoltare în Carpaţi – CEFIDEC, Agenția Națională a Zonei Montane, Vatra Dornei, Ministerul Agriculturii și Dezvoltării Rurale; cercet. șt. III, Centrul de Economie Montană – CE-MONT, Vatra Dornei, Institutul Național de Cercetări Economice ,,Costin C. Kirițescu”, Academia Română
Comitet științific
- Gina Ionela BUTNARU, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iași, Romania
- Raluca CLIPA, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iași, Romania
- Gül ERKOL BAYRAM, Sinop University, Sinop, Turkey
- Elena FUIOR, Cooperative and Trade University of Moldova, Kishinev, Moldova
- Juan Andrès GUTIERREZ, Euromontana – Asociation européenne pour les zones de montagne, Brussels, Belgium
- Serhii HAKMAN, „Yuriy Fedkovych” Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi; Bukovinian Centre of Politology, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
- Alina-Petronela HALLER, ”Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research, Iași Branch of Romanian Academy, Romania
- Mihaela IFRIM, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iași, Romania
- Daniela MATEI, ”Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research, Iași Branch of Romanian Academy, Romania
- Puiu NISTOREANU, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Teodor PĂDURARU, General Association of Economists of Romania, Branch of Iași; ”Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research, Iași Branch of Romanian Academy, Romania
- Radu REY, Centre of Mountain Economy – CE-MONT, Vatra Dornei, „Costin C. Kirițescu” National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
- Oana SOCOLIUC GURIȚĂ, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iași, Romania
- Georgia-Daniela TACU HÂRȘAN, ”Gh. Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research, Iași Branch of Romanian Academy, Romania
- Ion TALABĂ, ”Gh. Zane” Institute for Ecnomic and Social Research, Iași Branch of Romanian Academy, Romania
- Dănuț UNGUREANU, Centre of Training and Innovation for Development in the Carpathians – CEFIDEC, National Agency for Mountain Areas, Vatra Dornei, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bucharest; Centre of Mountain Economy – CE-MONT, Vatra Dornei, „Costin C. Kiriţescu” National Institute for Economic Research, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Termen limită pentru abstracte
Termen limită pentru lucrări
Persoane de contact
Georgia-Daniela Tacu Hârșan
Alina Haller