Data: 24 ianuarie 2022

International conference ”GENIUS, TALENT, CREATIVITY – a psycho-pedagogical and socio-cultural approach”

International conference ”GENIUS, TALENT, CREATIVITY – a psycho-pedagogical and socio-cultural approach”, is now in its XIIIth edition and addresses the complex problem of the creativity process, analyzed from interdisciplinary perspectives. Topics covered by our annual conference brought up issues of Personal development, such as: the emotional dimension of personality, the manifestation and self-regulation of emotions, creativity, individual consciousness, interpersonal communication, adolescence, the ideal of life, ethics and aesthetics in personal development etc.

This edition will take place on May 20, 2022, online and is organized by “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research (Romanian Academy – Iasi Branch), in association with: „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania: Teacher Training Department; „Alecu Russo” Bălți State University, Republic of Moldova, Faculty of Education Sciences, Psychology and Arts; State University „Ion Creangă”, Chisinau, Rep. Moldova; “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Teachers Training Department and Research Department; ”George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iaşi, RomaniaMultidisciplinary Art Research Institute.”G. Bariţiu”; History Institute, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch; Fundația Academică Pentru Progres Rural ”Terra Nostra”, Iași.

The objectives of the event are to define the levels of creativity (genius, talent, creative skills) from a psychological, educational and socio-cultural perspective. To understand the phenomenon of creativity it is necessary to explain the stages of the creative process (germination, insight, elaboration and valorization of the created products) and to approach the process of creativity from different perspectives: psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanistic theory, etc.

For the educational process it is essential to outline the personality profile of gifted children /young people, who have specific intellectual, emotional and behavioral traits, as well as adaptation and educational problems.

It is also useful to identify the factors that stimulate creativity but also of those that block the creative intention, as well as knowledge of methods of transforming the aptitude endowment into talent under the action of motivational factors, personality and socio-cultural factors. The role of excellence education in gifted children it is an important task of current education.

Creativity is essential in defining a modern personality and, achieving performance necessarily involves the correlation between superior intellectual abilities and an environment of adequate emotional and cognitive stimulation.

Organizing committee:

  • Marinela Rusu, Main Researcher, grd. II, PhD. Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Institute „Gh. Zane”.
  • Mirela Ștefănescu, Main researcher III, PhD., Multidisciplinary Art Research Institute, Visual Arts Domain, UNAGE, Iași.
  • Marilena Doncean, Main Researcher, grd. III, PhD. Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Institute „Gh. Zane”.
  • Eugenia Maria Pasca, Professor PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iaşi, Romania.
  • Magdalena Lazăr, secretary, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, Institute „Gh. Zane”.

Conference websites: 


Ph.D. Marinela Rusu