Data: 31 mai 2022
Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences, 9, 1 (2022)
A apărut numărul 1 (volumul 9), 2022, al revistei Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences, editat de Institutul de Cercetări Economice și Sociale „Gh. Zane,” Academia Română, Filiala Iași.
În acest număr apar studii semnate de:
- Scott Aikin and William O. Stephens, Introduction
- Chuck Chakrapani, Stoic Minimalism: ‘Just Enough Stoicism’ for Modern Practitioners
- Christopher Gill, Stoic Ethical Theory: How Much is Enough?
- Kai Whiting, Aldo Dinucci, Edward Simpson, and Leonidas Konstantakos, The Environmental Battle Hymn of the Stoic God
- Scott Aikin, The Stoic Sage does not Err: An Error?
- Emily McGill, Prohairesis and a Stoic-Inspired Feminist Autonomy
- William O. Stephens, Stoicism and Food Ethics
- Tristan J. Rogers, Stoic Conservatism
- Alyssa Lowery, The Promises and Problems of Two Stoic Big Tents
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